Clay Maitland

On a quest for quality in shipping

Oversight, assessment of risk and management: please don’t shoot the regulators

Do you recognize the name Oswald Grübel? Mr. Grübel was until recently CEO of the Swiss Banking Group UBS. Continue reading

The cost of Catastrophic events

It seems sinful, in the face of the tragedy unfolding in Japan, to relate today’s news to commercial matters.

But as CMA Shipping 2011 kicks off in Stamford, there is, however, much to reflect on in the dramatic events of recent months. Continue reading

Getting serious about risk management?

The Gulf of Mexico postmortems are landing with explosive force, even if the well has not yet been sealed. At what Churchill liked to call the root of the matter, there wasan inability to appreciate and apply a safety or risk management system to the drilling and operation of at least some exploratory and production wells on the U. S. outer continental shelf. Continue reading